Day5 : Operators in java


Operator is  a symbol that is used to perform an operation.

1) Arithmetic Operator - Addition(+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication(*), Division(/), Modulus(%)

2) Relational Operator - Greater than(>), Less than(<), Greater equal to (>=), Less equal to(<=), equal to(==), not equal to(!=)

3)Logical Operator - AND(&&), OR(||), NOT(!)

4)Increment Operator(Post a++ and pre ++a) and Decrement operator(Post a-- and pre --a)

5)Shorthand Operator : +=, -=, *=, /=, %=

6)Assignment Operator: =

7)Parenthesis: ()

Question on Operator:

 int a;

a = 10/4;

Output: 2


int a;

a = 10/4.0;

Error: Possible Lossy Conversion


float a;

a = 10/4;

Output: 2.0


float a;

a = 10/4.0;

Error: Possible lossy Conversion


3%2 = 1(Output)

10%4 = 2(Output)

Post Increment (a++):

int a = 10;

int b;

b = a++;




int a = 10;

int b;

b = ++a;




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